But when the network name is unknown, logging on to the network will require that the intruder must know not only the password but also the SSID. When the network broadcasts its SSID (name), the hacker only has to decipher the password. It will still show up in network scans by devices but they would only see it as "Unidentified Network". By not broadcasting the SSID, the wireless network becomes "hidden".
#Security wep vs wpa code#
The next version - WPA2 - replaced RC$ with AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and replaced TKIP with CCMP (Counter mode with Cipher block chaining Message authentication code Protocol). The first iteration of the WPA protocol used the same cipher (RC4) as WEP but added TKIP (Termporal Key Integrity Protocol) to make it harder to decipher the key. WPA, which stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access, is a newer standard and is much more secure.

However, researchers discovered vulnerabilities in WEP in 2001 and proved that it was possible to break into any WEP network by using a brute-force method to decipher the key. It allows the use of a 64-bit or 128-bit key. WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) was introduced when the 802.11 standard for Wi-Fi networks was launched. WEP and WPA are the two security methods supported almost universally by routers and the devices that connect to them, such as computers, printers, phones or tablets. Seucring a Wi-Fi network with a password is, therefore, absolutely essential. Not having your Wi-Fi network password-protected also creates problems such as an intruder piggy-backing on your Internet connection, thereby slowing it down or even illegally downloading copyrighted content.

This means that if the wireless network is "open" (requires no password), a hacker can access any information transferred between a computer and the wireless router. It is possible to "sniff" data being exchanged on a wireless network. WEP and WPA security options while connecting to a wireless network Encryption in a Wi-Fi network